The mission of the ChikanBest Herbal Home is to help the man kind through the Tradional medicine honoring our intrinsic connection to nature. We are dedicated to Treat and promoting a lifespam of men and wellness, vitality through the use of herbs, sound nutrition, and optimal health practices. We offer high quality, affordable herbal products to empower men, and celebrate the community-centered spirit of herbalism by collaborating with a wide diversity of herbalists to open herbal company that presents many herbal traditions and points of view. We hold sustainability and stewardship dear, and these are guiding principles for us. So, too is our commitment to not only providing a path for herbal products.

About Us

Dr Nkem Moses Orji


The mission of the ChikanBest Herbal Home is to help the man kind through the Tradional medicine honoring our intrinsic connection to nature. We are dedicated to Treat and promoting a lifespam of men and wellness, vitality through the use of herbs, sound nutrition, and optimal health practices. We offer high quality, affordable herbal products to empower men, and celebrate the community-centered spirit of herbalism by collaborating with a wide diversity of herbalists to open herbal company that presents many herbal traditions and points of view. We hold sustainability and stewardship dear, and these are guiding principles for us. So, too is our commitment to not only providing a path for herbal products.SustainabilityWe are committed to treat and spread the fast and the effectiveness of our traditional Medicine to also let them know about the importance of sustainability in herbalism – from the ethics of sustainable wild crafting to the critical need to protect threatened and endangered plants and trees and find sustainable ways of production or alternative plants to use. In our opinion, responsible production and gathering of our plant allies is part and parcel to the selling of herbal medicine. As gardeners, wildcrafters, and also the herbal consumers, our choices can send an important message and advocate for a truly sustainable approach to procuring the plants we use for healing. After all, if we cause harm in our ecosystem, how can we heal ourselves?StewardshipIt is through understanding that we come to appreciate what is before us. Through herbal products in our online shop we help build a bridge between uncertainty about the natural world to a place of knowing. We begin to recognize not only the beauty of this world, but also of it’s complexities. A rose may be just a rose to some, but a rose to an herbalist is quite something else. An herbalist knows how to use the rose in all it’s stages from bud to bloom to rose hips. How much greater is it’s beauty when seen through the knowing eyes? Can you imagine understanding the plant world to such an extraordinary measure? Ask your questions






Store Hours

Monday — Friday

10:00 AM — 9:30 PM


Noon — 7:00 PM

